Friday, February 8, 2008

Exciting Event of the Week

It was Thursday morning, 7:00am and I was running late for work, as usual. Since a storm and cold front came in the night before I needed to start my truck and let it warm up before cruising in to work. I went back into the house to get some coffee for the road, not stopping to properly wipe my wet dress shoes on the rug. Upon entering the kitchen my right heel slipped on the hardwood floor. Before I knew what happened I was falling and heard a sound like velcro strips being ripped apart very fast. When I tried to pick myself up off the floor I realized that sound had emitted from my left arm as I tried to break my fall. Unfortunately instead of breaking my fall I broke my left arm - more specifically the radial something-or-other in my left elbow joint area. I've never before experienced such pain so bad that I felt dizzy and nauseous instantaneously.

After confirming the break at Prompt Care, getting a stylish navy blue sling and some good pain meds I headed home to start learning to type efficiently with one hand. My left hand isn't allowed to type for at least 3 weeks (not that it is functional to do so now anyway), which really throws a monkey wrench into my normal routine sine both of my jobs and much of my personal entertainment requires lots of typing. Go figure. Next week I have to see an orthopedic specialist to make sure there is nothing else wrong and to ensure that it will heal properly. They will determine if it needs a cast or if the sling will immobilize my arm enough for it to heal. I'm praying I don't need a cast.

In the meantime I'm pecking along with one hand and trying to get along with everyday normal things. You never really think about how important two hands are for the simplest tasks, such as: unbuttoning and buttoning pants, opening child-proof pain pill bottles, putting on a bra, setting an alarm clock, opening mail, etc. It's mind boggling! Driving to work Monday should be interesting...


  1. Oh No! There are a lot of things that you need 2 arms for! Good luck!

  2. At least it has not affected your Scrabble game. Whew!
